FISI – Some People DO Care

There are houses around town that I tend to pass by on a regular basis. There are some that are known to a number of us that, all one has to do is mention the street and we all know which house is being discussed. Going to the library as often as I do, I’m fairly familiar with the houses that face the library parking lot. When I stopped on August 1st to pick up a book to read while on vacation, I noticed 803 W. 6th.

803 W. 6th St


Despite the new porch windows, I shot this in anticipation of having another property for a future ‘ -Shame it.’

It’s nice to be wrong sometimes.

I returned some items to the library on Monday, and as I parked, I checked the house out again.


It’s getting better.

Owned by William K. Bobel, and purchased in April of this year, Mr. Bobel is way ahead of the pack of some folks that have had properties featured here, that bought them months and even years before.

I will be keeping an eye on the rehabbing of this property, and will keep updating its progress. Kudos to Mr. Bobel on his Progression from Shame to Fame.

There is hope.

(Any properties that you see that should be recognized here, please feel free to send the address to . I will respect any and all requests for anonymity. Any and all legal information was gleaned from the Lorain County Auditor’s site, and is recent as of as few as two days before this post.)

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