PhotoPhun Challenge: Someplace I’ve Never Been

Lisa posed this week’s challenge, and it was almost a challenge I couldn’t achieve. Go someplace in Lorain County I’d never been before. I had plans of visiting the MetroPark in Carlisle Township, and as the week passed, that was changed to a visit to Day’s Dam. Then, something came up that kept me home for the better part of Thursday, and that didn’t happen. So, in a last-ditch attempt at being able to submit something, I took Mike and Kristen to LCCC so Mike could register for his PSEO class for next semester.  While he waited, I roamed the new Barbara and Mike Bass Library/Community Resource Center.  I’d never seen it before, so….


This is the scene at the northern entrance.

 As I walked through, this vanishing point shot jumped out.


And this staircase? Wow!!

Now, if you know me, you knew I’d have to get this shot.

The view on the other side of the library.

Now go see where Lisa and Ree had never been before!!

SPRING: Rebirth, Ritual and ReCreation

“The Lorain County Sacred Landmarks Initiative, Stocker Arts Center, and our programming partners are pleased to present an art exhibit and series of special events that celebrate Spring and its rituals in our community!” 

I thought you all might be interested in the exhibit at the Beth K. Stocker Art Gallery. I did the photography for the posters hanging in the lobby and for the large “stained glass” panels that are suspended from the ceiling. It’s a great exhibit and features local artists and churches.

St. Theresa's Door

Lilly Windows

Oval Window