Water, Water Everywhere

Goin’ through some pics to try and make them better and actually learn something, I was pretty happy with the way some turned out, and also with realizing that I’ll have to get another lens in order to do different scenes. The “Water” challenge recently had me up at Veteran’s Park, and I only used two of the photos for that post. Wanting to see what I could get under different lighting conditions, last Thursday I stopped at Lakeview to play with the fountain in full sunlight. What raised my eyebrows wasn’t what I could do, but what I caught. (And yes, once again, I forgot I was shooting with the “Panorama” setting. Dammit.)

So, I really enjoy the spray in this shot, but I’m upset that the water in the foreground is blurry. Gotta figger out why.

Here’s the water falling over the edge, into another basin where it will fall into the base of the fountain. This looks normal.

But then there’s THIS shot, and the water seems…what? Lively??

And then there’s the still water shots. Whattaya think?

This is back at Veteran’s Park.

I really like this one because it’s a longer exposure, and was the clincher in the decision to shop for another lens. With things in motion, a longer exposure gets you a unique shot. This was the best I could do with the aperture and shutter settings on my camera. Anything else, and it gets too washed out or too dark.

If you click on the photo to enlarge it in another window, you’ll see the water looks different as it falls, almost smoother, if you will.

More experimenting soon!!

Light Up Lorain – The Photos

The Crowd

High School Choral Music Students from Lorain Southview &
Lorain Admiral King perform under the direction of Dave Hager

Admiral King Brass Ensemble perform under the direction of Dustin Wiley

Mayor Krasienko gets ready to throw the switch to light the Park, and Gary Fischer stands by

Mayor Tony Krasienko reads ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

The International Queen and a Princess