Light Up Lorain – The Photos

The Crowd

High School Choral Music Students from Lorain Southview &
Lorain Admiral King perform under the direction of Dave Hager

Admiral King Brass Ensemble perform under the direction of Dustin Wiley

Mayor Krasienko gets ready to throw the switch to light the Park, and Gary Fischer stands by

Mayor Tony Krasienko reads ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas

The International Queen and a Princess

Paula Rocks On at the Fayreweather Concert

(Paula Tobias will be guest-blogging here for a short time while ‘That Woman’ – Loraine Ritchey takes a much needed R-n-R.) 

I went to an Opera this evening (Saturday).

Okay it was the Fayreweather Concert at the Black River Landing, but I described Paul to Frank as an Operatic Singer. Paul’s theatrical presentations with music, well, it’s beyond description; You have to experience it to appreciate it.

We had a great time. People were dancing in their chairs, the demographics were varied and in a sentence: He was good. He was damn good.

The last time I watched/heard Fayreweather was in the Flats in Cleveland in the early 80’s. Even then I was amazed at Paul’s theatrics. Anyone else remember White Punks on Dope?

We heard Fayreweather songs, a song about the city of Lorain, Genesis, and Jethro Tull.

Did I mention he played the flute and guitar besides singing?

If you weren’t there, you missed a great concert.