It’s a Baseball Thing…

All-Pro Freight Stadium


Jared Miller pitches to Mike Teleha during one of the two F-League All-Star Games

Joe Geisel hurls one towards the plate

Jared Miller and Mike Teleha

(The National League team was short players and Jared and Scott Short graciously volunteered to help them out.)


Oh, To Go Back….

I was up at Campana Park a month ago, to shoot pics of the players for Lorain Youth Baseball, and because my daughter wanted to cheer on her team from last year.  As we got to the Park, we weren’t sure how long we’d be able to stay because the sky was not looking friendly at all.

So, with an eye to the sky, and on the field where my daughter was watching, I proceeded to catch action shots of the young players.

While I’m going field to field, in between innings to make the most of my time, I happen upon this young girl who is oblivious of the impending storm, or anything else for that matter.

She cares not where her parents are, nor that she’s soaked head-to-toe in filthy water. She isn’t concerned that someone is going to be very upset when it’s time to leave and she’s going to have to sit on a car seat in the condition she’s in.

She is simply ‘having fun!’ Fun because the water is cool, and the air is warm and moist. Fun because it’s neat to see how high you can get the water to splash when you jump into it.

It’s fun in her little world because she can be whatever her little imagination conjures up, and go to magical places kids dream of, without having to worry about big-people words like ‘responsibility’ and ‘obligation’.

Oh, to go back there sometimes…..

LYB: Campana Development and Photo Update

Every other year, due to LYB’s sibling rule, my kids get to be on the same team. It’s great when you think about the multiple practices every week in the preseason, and then three games per week. So, those other years, my wife and I get the mail delivered to Campana Park because we live there, too.

This year Michael and Kristen play for Campana Development. Since I’ve got the camera handy for the players I’ve been “shooting” for LYB, I got this team also. So, I present to you, LYB’s 2009 F-League Campana Development team, coached by coaches Richard “Boz” Boesger and J.J. Koziura.

Joshua Piotrowski

David Soto, Jr.

Mike Teleha

Jared Miller

Kristen Teleha


Mike Piedmonte

James “Scott” Short, Jr.

Adam Breeds

Lou Santiago

Mike Koziura

Joe Geisel


PHOTO UPDATE: Lorain Youth Baseball has the links available to the website to view and purchase the photos I’ve taken. Go to LYB and click on L.Y.B. Photos on the left.  

Spring Training – Campana Park

Six and a half months ago, I wrote about the improvements that were being made to Campana Park by the new group running Lorain Youth Baseball. I was at one of the F-League fields Saturday for my kids’ practice, and saw all the activity going on to ready the rest of the park for baseball season. Check it out:

Trash and dead leaves being cleared from the foot of the fences;

a fresh load of infield dirt for the fields,

being spread and leveled

and smoothed.

Concrete is being pressure-washed,

grass was being cut, trimmed, weeds sprayed, and all kinds of odds-n-ends tasks being attended to.

Do you know why?

Because youngsters like these

and young teens like these,

are counting the days until they’ll have a chance to steal

some of these in a few shorts weeks.

Play ball!!

Lorain Youth Baseball – Campana Park

Questions have been raised concerning the fundraiser for and the improvements taking place in Lorain Youth Baseball’s Campana Park. I stopped by today to get some pics and hopefully answer some questions.

This is the main entrance into the Park and the walkway along which the laser engraved bricks would be placed. That is the concession stand at the other end of the walkway. If enough bricks are sold, another walkway will be created on the other side of the stand, leading to the minor league fields at the north end of the Park, and more bricks will line this walkway.

According to Melanie Szabo, 1st Ward Council and co-secretary of LYB league, there have been 34 trees planted already. These are located along the minor league fields in the back of the Park.

More new trees planted in the back by the T-ball field.

And more trees along the sides of the F-League fields in the northwestern park of the Park.

Even more work done as piles of mulch have been raked up from the infield on all the baseball diamonds.

Bleachers have been moved to allow for the trees, and hopefully, will remain here to improve the view of the fields.  A considerable amount of work has already been done since the end of the season back in July, and even more to do before games start again next spring.

Man, I can’t wait, and it’s only October!!