Bur Oak MetroPark – The Black River

I was in Elyria yesterday, when I heard on WEOL that the Black River was overflowing its banks, and that at its current height it ranked in the top 5 of record heights recorded. Hearing that, I had to check it out for myself. Ford Road was closed at the bridge, as it has been for the last few weeks. Residents in LaGrange were warned they may have to evacuate. See for yourself.

A view of the overflowing Black River from the entrance of Bur Oak MetroPark

The Black River, west of the Ford Road bridge, and just east of Bur Oak MetroPark

Recently driven from his home, he’s not happy

A view of the Black River, south of the Rt. 254 bridge, just west of Gulf Road

A view of the Black River, north of the Rt. 254 bridge


Interesting Aftermath

The last few days it’s rained like, um, well, let’s just say I was looking for Noah. After dropping my kids at school, I made a beeline for the Tower Blvd – Ashland Ave – 40th St. neighborhood. Big time flooded. Been like this for the last few years, whenever it rains a ton. And it’s rained a ton and then some Tuesday and Wednesday. So, camera in hand, I made my rounds.

School Bus

Pine Tree


Trees Reflected

Tower Blvd

I was really lucky, whether I was on Tower, or 39th to 41st, I’d find the flooded street with the water calm, and just as I finished shooting everything I wanted, I’d get a vehicle coming through. The bus at the top, the city truck below, and then the shot of the car with the patrol cars in the background. Probably should’ve played the lottery while I was at it.

City Truck

Car Splashing through on 41st

The water is so still in this last one, that you can see the license plates in the reflection!

You can click on the picture for the large version if you don’t believe me!